Together you and I, can make a healthy and balanced community where we want our kids to grow up, a place that businesses want to move to, a place that is attractive to visitors, AND a place where we are proactively environmentally friendly. All of those items can co-exist, not by accident but by design (a design that we create).
To make this happened, we ALL need to do our part. Each of us has certain talents, resources or time we can contribute. It doesn’t matter what side of the political platform you stand on, or what your income bracket is, your age, where you were born, or anything else – WE are a community actively caring about our environment -and your involvement is needed.
So, whether you get involved with the various Hall County Green Alliance Work Groups or you get involved with another one of the fantastic local groups in Hall County – just GET INVOLVED.
“If you want others to be happy, practice compassion. If you want to be happy, practice compassion” Dalai Lama